• Young Adult Ministry

    Once a month, our young adults gather to fellowship, laugh, and discuss topics in light of a Biblical worldview. This meeting is typically on the last Sunday of the month at 7 pm. 

  • What do the Young Adults Study?

    Each month, the young adults focus on a different topic in light of a Biblical worldview, typically falling within the branches of apologetics, theology, and Hermeneutics. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

    • A book study of The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl
    • How can we trust Scripture?
    • Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?
    • Can Christians watch Horror Movies?
    • Logical Fallacies
    • The Problem of Evil / Suffering
    • Biblical understanding of the Devil
    • Does it matter what we believe?
    • Birth Control & Its implications for a Christian
    The topics continue on and cover a wide range of areas, and we're constantly adding to the list. If you're a young adult, feel free to join us and help us add to the list! 

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